Juries & Critics

services/know-how-transfer/juries-critics | posted: 26.08.09

Jury member, Spark Awards 2015, San Francisco

Visiting critic, 17.06.2015
Bachelor Thesis, Material Design
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Jury member, iF Design Awards 2015, Hannover

Visiting critic, 17.06.2013
Bachelor Thesis, Material Design
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Visiting critic, June 2011
Master Thesis, ZHdK Master Design Product
Zurich University of the Arts

Jury member, Die Besten 2012, Hochparterre

Visiting critic, 21. February 2008
Optional subject «Room-acoustical information» Professorship for Architecture and Digital Fabrication,
ETH Zurich, Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler

Visiting critic, 22. June 2006
Optional subject «The perforated wall» Professorship for Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich, Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler

Jury member, April to September 2006
MOX Design Award «An innovative piece of furniture to store shoes in private areas»

Jury member, May to June 2006
Dream on - Manufacture meets CNC «Reinterpretation of the classic bedroom made out of wood, realized with modern production technics (CNC 5 axes)»

Visiting critic, 02. February 2006
Optional subject «The inclined hole» Professorship for Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich, Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler

Visiting critic, 15. June 2005
Optional subject «CNC conformal design with metal sheets» Professorship for Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD), ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt

Link / www.dfab.arch.ethz.ch
Link / www.caad.arch.ethz.ch
Link / www.mox.ch
Link / www.hslu.ch
Link / www.hochparterre.ch
Link / www.ifdesign.de
Link / www.master.design.zhdk.ch
Link / www.sparkawards.com